Are you like most people living in the Orlando area, when it comes to your septic system, out of sight out of mind, unit it gets clogged or backed up, then it skyrockets to the top of the priority lists! Now what do you do?

The best solution is to find out what caused the septic back-up and how to prevent it.

Blocked Sewer Lines

It is very common for the septic lines to get blocked. Often times, it’s from the tree roots penetrated the lines, creating a blockade which stops the waste from going through. Instead of the draining out, the wage water comes back up into your home or seeps into your yard. Either way it’s a mess!!

Inadequate Enzymes and Bacteria

Solid waste is broken down by enzymes and bacteria. When there isn’t enough, the waste isn’t broken down and can accumulate as sludge; this is when the incoming and outgoing lines can get obstructed.

Sewer Lines Damage

Though the pipes run underground, the septic tank lines can still get damaged when vehicles or construction equipment, drive over them. They can start out as small cracks, but over time water seeps through them and the cracks get larger, which causes more damage.

How Can You Prevent Septic Tank From Backing Up?

Routine maintenance, inspection and tank pumping are vital. Avoid planting anything with long roots or trees around septic lines and never pour oil or grease down the drain. Contact Orlando Septic Service before you have a messy situation or if you’re already experiencing backups or foul odors.

Don’t Ignore Your Septic System 

Ignoring septic system will eventually lead to really big problems, such as percolating into the drinking water. The good news is it can be easily fixed by the professionals at Orlando Septic Services and for a limited time take advantage of our First Time Client Discount for 10% off our Septic Pumping Project.

Contact Orlando Septic Service today and take advantage of our valuable coupons!