A problem with your Central Florida septic system can quickly wreak havoc and disrupt your entire house. The problem with waiting until your septic system has issues, repair cost can put a big dent in your wallet.

Understanding a few facts can keep your septic system running at optimal condition and save you a lot of money.

Have your septic tank pumped every three to five years

If your attitude towards your septic system is out of sight and out of mind, puts the system and your wallet at risk.

Raw sewage can back up into your home, sinks can drain slowly, and toilets  overflow. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recommends that the average sized, 1,000 gallon septic tank, be pumped every 3 to 5 years. However, the tank size and usage can lengthen or shorten this time frame.

Increased water fixtures, high volume water usage, and garbage disposal use, can make the septic tank fill up faster. An inspection is the best way to gage how full the tank is and to schedule pumping.

Don’t Ignore the signs

Unfortunately, septic systems don’t have a light to alert you when they need something, but there are some signs there is a problem.

Foul odor, such as a ‘rotten egg’, coming from either the outside or inside of your home, during the decomposition process gases can be released making a foul odor.

A black slimly liquid in the down slope pipes or drain field.

Gurgling sounds coming from the toilet, drains or plumbing system.

Damp soil or standing water around the septic tank or drain field.

Bright green and lush grass or soggy areas in the yard.

Sewage backing up into the bathtub or toilets.

Plumbing back ups and slow drains.

If you notice water rising to the surface of the drain field when you do laundry, use a lot of water or during a heavy rain.If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need a total sewage system replacement.

Ignoring these septic signs will eventually lead to really big problems, such as percolating into the drinking water. The good news is it can be easily fixed by the professionals at Orlando Septic Services and for a limited time take advantage of our First Time Client Discount for 10% off our Septic Pumping Project.

Contact Orlando Septic Service today and take advantage of our valuable coupons!