The moment you realize sewage is backing up into your house or you notice a foul odor in your yard or house, you know something is not right with your septic system!

Depending on the issue, you may be faced with repairing or replacing

shutterstock_187140224If you have sewage backing up into your home through the bathtub, sink or toilet, contact Orlando Septic Service to get an honest answer to the problem. It can be a full septic tank, clogged pipe or screen at the outlet, or a saturated drain field. Either way ensure proper precautions are taken when cleaning up the mess so nobody gets sick.

If the drain field is soggy or has a foul odor, make sure everyone stays away from it until the problem is fixed, it’s possible to be a Biohazard.

Often times when septic tanks are pumped out on a regular basis the drain field can fail. Scum and sludge can become so thick wastewater has little space to pool while ingredients separate. This allows solids and grease to pass through to the drain field, which overtime clogs it, not allowing water to be properly absorbed and causes a foul odor. Unfortunately, by the time you notice the smell, the damage is done.

That’s not the only reason a drain field can fail. Nothing last forever and this applies to drain fields. Overtime microbes in the soil become so abundant, it clogs the drain field.

Before adding any additives, which are supposed to help your septic tank, check with a septic tank service. Many of these products can do more harm than good. Instead of breaking up scum and sludge like they claim, it can end up killing the important bacteria and reduces the effectiveness of the tank.

The good news, some problems are easy to fix. If you’re having a problem or questions about your septic system, whether residential or commercial, don’t hesitate to contact Orlando Septic Services. We are here help you with all your waste management needs!

Give Orlando Septic Services a call and we will match any written residential or commercial estimate!