Home waste management systems in Central Florida are very complex. They take on the toughest challenge of not only removing all the waste from your home, but disposing of it in an environmentally friendly manner.
While septic systems are made from strong materials, they need routine maintenance and care to perform properly. Often times it is the smallest materials that bring down the whole system.
Dental floss
Though great for your teeth and gums, it is disastrous for a septic tank. Floss can be the root of a clog, hinder valve movement, and get wrapped around very important component of the system.
Cat litter
Though many cat litters on the market today claim to be ‘flushable’, they can still wreak havoc on your septic system. The health of your waste management system is too important to leave up to chance. Same goes for the new ‘flushable wipes’,
Coffee Grounds
While they are great for gardens and composts, absorbing odors, as an exfoliant, organic dye, coffee grounds end up being an impenetrable nightmare in the septic system.
Cotton Swabs
Though they seem small in nature, cotton swabs can cause huge issues. First of all cotton swabs are not biodegradable. Second, they can get lodged or clog the in the sewage ejector, pump impeller, grinder pump, or a number of other integrated parts.
Cigarette Buts
It is a bad habit, both for your body and your septic system. While it is easy to think one or two won’t hurt, but the fact is, they add up quickly. They are not biodegradable and can lead to back-ups, clogs and valve failure.
It is easy to wash things down the kitchen drain or flush them down the toilet, but all these things affect the septic system.
Unfortunately, at one time or another, septic problems happen. That’s when you need the name and phone number of quality and affordable septic service.
Contact Orlando Septic Service is your solution for any septic problem!