
When you think about your New Year’s Resolutions this year, you probably think about the most popular ones, loss weight, a healthy diet, and even exercise. Septic system maintenance is not usually on the top of the list, if it makes it at all.

Your septic system works hard every day, year after year. While the septic tank needs to be pumped out every 3 to 5 years, when was the last time you had an inspection or maintenance done.

New Year Septic System Resolutions

Make sure you have a good understanding where the septic structures are located and how they works.

The components of the septic system include

The primary drain line, which connects the sinks, drains, bathtubs, showers, and toilets to the septic system.

The septic tank is where all the waste water in the home ends up. The solid waste sinks to the bottom and the oils and fats float to the top. What ends up in the middle is effluent waste, which flows into the drain field.

The distribution box, does just that. Evenly distributes the effluent waste into the drain field. The box has many openings, when just one of them isn’t working properly it can lead to problems with the drain field.

The drain field is where the water is naturally filtered through several layers of soil. The soil microbes and unsaturated soil clean the effluent water before it makes its way to the ground water.

It is also important to be smart when it comes to your septic system. There are many myths about the septic system that are believed or used as a scapegoat that in turn cause poor water quality and pollution issues. Check back about the top 4 septic myths and the rest of our New Year Septic Resolutions.

If you’re looking for an easy and affordable way to have your Orlando septic tank pumped out or keep it maintained and in good shape, look no further than Orlando Septic Services!