Unfortunately, the most overlooked system in Orlando area homes is the septa tank; it’s also one of the most expensive systems in your house.  All septic systems need regular tank pumping. This means the tank is emptied of all the waste and sludge, an important part of a well-functioning system. But homeowners often forget until they notice waste overflowing or foul odors.

If you can’t remember the last time you even thought about your septic system than contacting the professionals at Orlando Septic Services to make an appointment to have your septic tank pumped out should be your first course of action.

Bacteria are used in the septic system to break down solid waste into a liquid form. The system is ripe for problems when the bacteria level drops. Waste begins to build up in the tank and results in tiny particles of waste traveling into the drain field. Eventually these particles build up and create big problems and foul odors.

With regular inspections and pumping, most problems can be completely avoided.

Foul odors, whether it’s just every now and then or constant, are a sign of a malfunction in the septic system. The smell may be coming from damaged vents, drain field problems or leakage from the tank, either way an inspection is necessary.

Usually, the odor is from a very full septic tank, that will need to be pumped out. As a rule of thumb, it should be emptied out every 1 to 3 years.

Walk around the drain field, depending on the septic system design it can be in a number of shapes. Examine the area, look for any moist or black spongy material in the soil. If you do, it may be the problem.

Another cause for the odor is a damaged septic tank vent, drain field problem, or an improperly sealed tank. They all can be a sign of serious issues and can easily create an unhealthy environment if not addressed quickly.

Ignoring septic odors will eventually lead to really big problems, such as percolating into the drinking water. The good news is it can be easily fixed by the professionals at Orlando Septic Services and for a limited time take advantage of our First Time Client Discount for 10% off our Septic Pumping Project.