
There are thousands of septic tanks in Central Florida. Unfortunately, they don’t last forever. Without proper care and routine maintenance they have an even shorter lifespan and can end up costing thousands of dollars in repairs.

It is important to be mindful of what your septic systems trying to tell you.

shutterstock_317198216Slow Drains

Have you noticed the kitchen drain is slower than usual? What about the bathroom sinks or toilets? If they are, it is a good indication of a serious problem is about to happen. Before it gets any worse, contact Orlando Septic Service.

Water Backing Up

If water is backing up into bathtub or toilets flush correctly, your septic system is definitely trying to tell you it needs help fast! It usually means the tank needs to be pumped out as soon as possible.

Unusual Noises

Do you hear any ‘gurgling’ when you turn on the faucets or flush the toilet? This could be a sign of a failing septic system.

Unpleasant or Foul Odors

A backed up septic tank or a ruptured pipeline may produce foul odors, either indoors or out. Smelly situations usually means it is time for a check up.

Keep in mind your septic tank needs to be pumped out every 3 to 5 years, depending on how many people living in the house and the size of the septic tank. The longer you wait the higher the potential for a smelly mess.

Orlando Septic Services is a septic pumping, inspection and maintenance company serving customers in and around the Orlando area. Let us handle all your septic needs, we take great pride in providing affordable service and repairs.

Ignoring septic odors will eventually lead to really big problems, such as percolating into the drinking water. The good news is it can be easily fixed by the professionals at Orlando Septic Services and for a limited time take advantage of our First Time Client Discount for 10% off our Septic Pumping Project.

Contact Orlando Septic Service today and take advantage of our valuable coupons!