A big question that has come up is about septic tank additives. Are they good or bad for your septic system. You may have seen them advertised on TV or in the isle at the grocery. They just about promise to keep your septic system working as good as new, but is that really the case?

It sounds so easy, your toilet is gurgling, so you run up to the store and purchase a septic tank additive, follow the instructions and all your septic tank problems are magically gone! Unfortunately, this isn’t how it works. These additives claim to do everything from reducing buildup to extending the lifespan of the septic system, but they simply aren’t true!

Septic systems that are working properly don’t need these additives, so don’t waste your money. There have been several studies indicating these additives can do more harm than good. From the septic tank itself, drain field and even the ground water. 

The Facts About Septic System Additives 

While these additives claim to be a magic inexpensive fix…saving you money and headaches, this is not the case. If fact, they can end up costing more in repairs. 

Biological Additives 

A combination of enzymes and bacteria which manufactures claim will provide much needed support for systems that are overworked. Your septic system is a delicate balance which includes these bacteria and enzymes. Adding more can throw off this balance. 

Inorganic Compounds and Organic Solvents 

These are harsh chemicals, either alkalis or acids, used to remove clogs by breaking down grease and oil. Which may sound good, but they also kill the good bacteria in the tank, disrupting the entire process. They are also damaging to the inside of the pipes. If that wasn’t enough, they can interrupt the separation process. 

With regular septic maintenance and careful planning, your septic system should last for decades without any problems. Contact Orlando Septic Service for all your septic needs.