
Septic tank inspections are just as important as having your septic tank pumped out. Though it’s not something you think about often, the consequences can be devastating.

According to recent ABC Action News article:

Family watering plantA Zephyrhills family says they barely made it out of their home alive after their septic tank caught fire and exploded.

Now, they are urging families to check their own septic tanks to hopefully prevent this from happening to others.

Blackened and burned, charred remains of a modular home are all that’s left after the septic tank caught fire — the result of built up methane gas.

We heard something that sounded like a gunshot,” said Laura Tipton, the homeowner. “I yelled at him to get the baby out of the house and go,go, go!”

But soon after, Tipton said there was nothing left to do but wait.

“All I could do is just stand there and watch it burn,” she said.
This unfortunate accident may have been prevented with a simple septic system inspection.

The purpose of the septic tank is to collect household sewage and waste. The solids settle to the bottom of the septic tank while the clarified effluent moves through to the drainfield. The solids break down and are converted to gas, carbon dioxide, methane and other gases, which are released through a vent system.

Baffles are placed in the septic tank to encourage waste to settle and reduce turbulence. Baffles are usually placed where the discharge pipe takes water to the drain field and where the sewage pipe from the residence enters the septic tank. Over time baffles can corrode, break down and become damaged.

Baffles are an important part of the septic system, if they are not working properly they can reduce sewage treatment, cause soil damage and in some cases explode.

Risers are also an important part of the septic tank. They extend from the septic tank to the surface of the soil. Providing easy accesses to the tank for baffle inspection and cleaning.

All septic systems in the Orlando area depend on a fragile balance of organic matter and living microorganisms in order to properly process waste matter. Unfortunately, this fragile balance can be easily disturbed by lack of maintenance and misuse, potentially causing a hazardous and dangerous situation.

Contact Orlando Septic Service for more information and an appointment.