One of the biggest investments in any Central Florida homes is the septic system. The inlet and outlet baffles play an important role. If they are are missing or broken, they can cause serious damage to your system without the homeowner even realizing.
What is a Septic Baffle?
Though you probably never wondered what a septic baffle is or that your septic system even had one. The fact is, they are one of the most important components of the system. There should be two baffles, one at the inlet and the other at the outlet.
Purpose Of The Inlet Baffle
The purpose of the inlet baffle is to keep waste water from entering the inlet pipe and to direct the waste coming from the house into the septic tank downward to allow for a longer detention time. The baffle creates more time for solids to settle to the bottom of the tank and prevent them from backing up into your house.
Purpose Of The Outlet Baffle
The function of the outlet baffle is to prevent any floating debris or scum to enter the drain field. Preventing premature system failure and any clogs in the drain field.
How Baffles Become Damaged
Baffles can become damaged in a couple of different ways. Either they can be bent out of shape by external pressure on the tank or damaged when the septic tank is being pumped. Depending on what material the baffle is made of they can rot over time or even go missing.
Missing or damaged baffles can cause significant damage to your septic system. The good news, the cost of repairing or replacing them is far less than the damage they can cause, such as septic failure. Unfortunately, many homeowners don’t notice the signs of a damaged baffle until it is too late, which is why regular septic system inspections are important.
At Orlando Septic Service we have built our reputation on honesty and quality workmanship. We match any written estimates for both residential and commercial projects. Protecting your family and investment is our highest goal! Contact us today for an appointment or more information.