In last week’s blog we talk about eliminating the “dirty dozen” from your septic system’s diet. Using them in large quantities can wreak havoc on your septic tank and drain field.

Fabric softener

While fabric softeners keep your clothes feeling soft and smelling fresh, they are also full of chemicals and oils that have a negative effect on your septic system. Not only do these chemicals interfere with beneficial bacteria in the system, but they also have high concentrations of nitrogen, that finds its way into our waterways. Most of the fabric softeners on the market are petroleum based. Which adds to the layer of scum in the tank and can end up in the drain field.

Chemicals & solvents

If you do get a clogged drain, many clogs busing against can not only damage your pipes, they kill the beneficial bacteria necessary to break down solids in your tank. Other solvents not to put down the drain include mineral spirits, paint thinners, rubbing alcohol, and acetone. These are toxic to your septic system and can contaminate groundwater.

Home renovation waste

Home renovations and DIY projects are great, but avoid flushing or putting down the drain cleaning products, solvents, joint compound, wallpaper glues, or paint. Always properly clean rollers and paint brushes in a bucket and dispose of properly, far away from the septic system.

Chemical lawn treatments

Over application of chemicals used to treat lawns, not only end up in our waterways and contribute to algae growth, they can destroy the bacteria in your septic tank if they go down the drain.

Chemicals and motor oil

Motor oil and many chemicals can be destructive to your septic system. They also impact the environment by  contaminating groundwater, soil, and waterways.

Animal waste and kitty litter

Many litters on the market are clay based, which are designed to absorb liquid and clump together. Flushing this down the toilet can create massive clogs. Litter that ends up in the septic system ends up collecting underneath the inlet pipe and at the bottom of the septic tank, never breaking down.

Septic additives

There are many septic additives on the market claiming to help the efficiency of your system by adding more bacterial. But, they end up disrupting the delicate balance of bacteria presently in the system. This creates a problem when the solids are broken down more than they would have been, allowing solids to end up in the effluent water and flow into the drain field, causing clogs and failure.

Keeping your septic system operating as it should takes some work. And even then emergencies happen, that’s when you need to contact Orlando Septic Services. As the most trusted septic service in Central Florida, we will keep your system running smoothly.