It’s pretty easy to forget about your Orlando home’s septic tank, but doing so can end up costing you. The best way to keep your system up and running smoothly is to have your system inspected and the tank pumped regularly. Remember, the septic system is responsible for all the waste water in your home. The more water you use, the more often it needs to be pumped.

Look for any of these telltale signs your septic system needs repairs

Regular septic inspections and tank pumping will alert you to potential problems. Catching and repairing problems early, before extensive damage is done, can save you a lot of money! So, if you notice any of the signs, contact the Orlando Septic Services right away, before the problem gets worse.

Foul smell in your yard or house

When your septic system is operating properly, you won’t smell any gases because all the solids and liquids are contained in the tank and pipes. There should never be a sewage smell inside your home or outside.

If you do notice a foul odor inside your home, it could be from a full septic tank that is backing up. If the smell is outside, it is typically the drain field that may need repairs.

Bathtub backing up or toilet making gurgling sounds

A sure sign of a problem is the bathtub or toilet backing up, waste water backing up into your home can be a serious issue and will need to be cleaned up properly. Gurgling sounds coming from your toilet is another sign of a problem.

Slow drains

A single drain that is slow or clogged, may not be something to panic about, but if you notice all the drains are slow, it could be because the septic tank is full. You should have the tank pumped before it causes damage within the system.

Puddles or patches of bright green grass near the drain field

It is important to be proactive and walk around the yard to check for unexplained puddles, wet areas, or spots where the grass is greener than the rest of the yard.

Why Choose Orlando Septic Service 

Orlando Septic Service is an environmentally friendly company serving Central Florida for 23 years. We are a licensed septic contractor certified with the State of Florida. Earning our reputation as an honest and reliable waste management business in the Seminole and Orange County areas.

Don’t forget to take advantage of Orlando Septic Service coupons for First Time Client Discounts, Veterans and Seniors for great savings.

If you’re having a problem with your septic system, whether residential or commercial, don’t hesitate to contact Orlando Septic Services. We are here help you with all your waste managements needs!