If you own a home with a septic tank in the Orlando, Seminole, Volusia, Lake or Osceola county, be aware, using additives or products to clean or even unclog your septic tank or toilet, can do more damage to your septic system, instead of fixing the problem.
Home Guides recently published an article on the best way to prevent clogging or even wastewater coming into your home.
Products for cleaning septic systems can undermine the tank’s effectiveness. The septic system requires beneficial bacteria for breaking down waste. Proper septic system maintenance keeps the tank working and reduces the risk of wastewater backing up into the toilet.
Regular Maintenance
Since not everything that goes into the septic tank breaks down, the tank has to be pumped out. According to Mother Earth News, there is not a product on the market that eliminates the need for the septic tank to be pumped. To prevent costly repairs to ensure your system is inspected every year.
Cleaning Products
Today’s antibacterial soaps, laundry detergents, and household cleaners are all designed to kill bacteria and germs, though great for cleaning your home, not so good for your septic system. These cleaners keep doing their job long after you put them down the drain, killing the necessary bacteria in the septic tank responsible for breaking down solid waste, paper, fats and grease into liquid form. A drop in the septic tanks bacteria level will cause a host of problems from an emergency in your bathroom to the drain field not working.
Having your septic system routinely maintained and pumped is a lot less expensive than paying for a repair project or an emergency, which is how many companies make their living.