The new year brings the opportunity for a fresh clean start and self improvement. When making your new years resolutions this year don’t forget about your home and protecting your family from septic system problems and the overall well being of your drain and plumbing system.

Septic system new year’s resolution

Just as you should have an annual physical check-up, so should your septic system. Though you may not see it, your septic system is constantly at work. It disposes of all your family’s waste water, from the toilet and shower to the sink and washing machine, if not working properly it can have devastating consequences. A yearly septic system check up is an affordable to ensure everything is working properly and catch any problems early, before they cost a small fortune to repair.

Change your septic systems diet

Just as a healthier lifestyle and diet will make you healthier this new year, your septic system will benefit by what you put down the drains.

Disposal in the kitchen sink

Think of it as a junk free diet for the disposal, don’t feed it grease, cooking oils, or fat. Avoid giving it pasta, potato skins, coffee grounds, rice, corn husk, or eggshells. Cut out coarse fibrous vegetables and produce, as well as bones or skin from poultry.

The bathroom

Toilets are made to remove waste water and toilet paper (which is made to decompose in the septic tank), nothing else! Avoid flushing coating balls, paper towels or feminine hygiene products. Only put waste water down the sink and shower, don’t put left over paint or wash paint brushes in the sink.

Saving money in 2015

Don’t let another year go by without thinking about your septic system, where would you be without it? Keeping these resolution this year can also save you money by avoid any emergency situations, backed up septic system, septic failure, clogged toilet and sinks.

Orlando Septic Services makes it easy to keep your septic system New Year’s Resolution, while keeping your family safe and saving you money!

If you’re having a problem with your septic system, whether residential or commercial, don’t hesitate to contact Orlando Septic Services. We are here help you with all your waste managements needs!