All the waste water from your home, bathtubs, sinks, toilets, and washing machine all goes into the septic system. When debris builds up in the pipes or clogs, you risk further damage. Nobody wants to deal with a septic mess!

It is important to have maintenance and your septic tank pumped on a regular basis. The earlier an issue is caught, the more time and money you will save.

Look for these signs your septic system may be in trouble

Unpleasant odors

When the septic system is having issues, the gasses can sneak in through the plumbing system. It can also seep out through the drain field or septic tank. When there is a clog or the septic tank is full, waste water doesn’t have anywhere to go but back into your house. If you notice bad smells, possible like rotten eggs, it’s time to contact Orlando Septic System.

Slow Drains

If you have a slow drain, you may not instantly think of your septic system, it could be from a full septic tank or a clog in the filter. One way to tell, if a few sinks are slow, it is time to call a professional.

Gurgling pipes

Strange sounds coming from your pipes or toilet, such as gurgling or plugging, the issue can be from the septic system. The sound can be from air getting blocked between the plumbing in the house and the pipes leading to the septic tank, when the system is overfull.

Water puddles

An unusual pool of water or wet grass near the drain field, when it hasn’t been raining, could be a sign of failing drain field

If you’re having a problem with your septic system, whether residential or commercial, don’t hesitate to contact Orlando Septic Services. We are here help you with all your waste management needs!