When it comes to septic tanks and drain fields in Central Florida, not all companies are the same. Just because someone knows how to pump out a septic tank doesn’t mean they are they best person to handle a drain field problem.

Here are three aspects you should look for when hiring someone for your septic service.


There are a lot of ‘fly by night’ services in the market, trying to make a quick buck.  Hiring a local company with experience, like Orlando Septic Services with over 30 years of experience, will ensure your septic system is working properly and the job is done right.  We even guarantee all of our work.

Local Presence

There are many new septic rules and regulations. With Orlando Septic Service you know all specifications are closely followed.  Your are also supporting your local economy.


Waiting until your septic system has a problem can significantly increase how much it can cost to repair. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “A key reason to maintain your septic system is to save money! Failing septic systems are expensive to repair or replace, and poor maintenance is often the culprit. Having your septic system inspected regularly is a bargain when you consider the cost of replacing the entire system. Your system will need pumping depending on how many people live in the house and the size of the system. An unusable septic system or one in disrepair will lower your property value and could pose a legal liability.”

Contact Orlando Septic Services

Have you system regularly inspected and maintained by the professionals at Orlando Septic Services to ensure your septic system is healthy and working properly to avoid any costly messy problems.  It’s an investment you won’t regret.

Ignoring septic odors will eventually lead to really big problems, such as percolating into the drinking water. The good news is it can be easily fixed by the professionals at Orlando Septic Services and for a limited time take advantage of our First Time Client Discount for 10% off our Septic Pumping Project.

Contact Orlando Septic Service today and take advantage of our valuable coupons!

Orlando Septic Service is an environmentally friendly company with 30 years of experience.  Earning our reputation as an honest and reliable waste management business in the Seminole, Orange and parts of Volusia County.