Fall is a time to celebrate ‘Septic Smart Week’, with The Environmental Protection Agency and Orlando Septic Services. This annual event is to bring awareness to the importance of proper care of septic systems.  It is easy to forget about the septic system, but when a problem arises, you are going to wish you hadn’t.  Taking care of your septic system is easier than you think.

The EPA’s core message is to,

Think at the Sink
Don’t Overload the Commode
Don’t Strain Your Drain
Shield Your Field
Test Your Drinking Water Well

“Top 10 Ways To Be A Good Septic Owner”

Have your system inspected every three years by a qualified professional or according to your state/ local health department’s recommendations

Have your septic tank pumped, when necessary, generally every three to five years

Avoid pouring harsh products (e.g., oils, grease, chemicals, paint, medications) down the drain

Discard non-degradable products in the trash (e.g., floss, disposable wipes, cat litter) instead of flushing them

Keep cars and heavy vehicles parked away from the drainfield and tank

Follow the system manufacturer’s directions when using septic tank cleaners and additives

Repair leaks and use water efficient fixtures to avoid overloading the system

Maintain plants and vegetation near the system to ensure roots do not block drains

Use soaps and detergents that are low-suds, biodegradable, and low- or phosphate-free

Prevent system freezing during cold weather by inspecting and insulating vulnerable system parts (e.g., the inspection pipe and soil treatment area)

What many people don’t realize is that the septic system depends on a fragile balance of organic matter and living microorganisms in order to properly process waste matter. Unfortunately, this fragile balance can be easily disturbed by lack of maintenance and misuse, potentially causing a hazardous and dangerous situation.

Contact Orlando Septic Service for more information and an appointment.