If you are like most Orlando area homeowners who have a septic tank, you don’t think about it until the system has a problem. By then, it is usually too late.

The best way to avoid inconvenient and costly septic repairs is to have the system professionally maintained on a regular basis. The filter needs to be cleaned, similar to the filter for the air conditioner.

Septic tank filter, what and where is it?

The septic tank filter is also called effluent filter, it is located on the outlet pipe. The filter is important because it blocks scum and solids from leaving the septic tank and clogging the drain field. Over time, debris clogs the filter preventing it from working properly. Which can cause significant problems.

Why is it so important to have the septic tank filter?

Prevent clogs 

The filter’s job is to prevent scum and solids from clogging the drain field.

Improves Efficiency 

When the filter is clean, it is able to run more efficiently, similar to that of the air conditioner or your car’s engine.

Reduce maintenance Costs

Keeping the filter clean reduces costly repairs and keeps the system running smoothly.

Protects the environment 

When solids make their way to the drain field, it prevents the drain field from working properly, allowing those solids to make it into the soil and then to the waterways. This is especially important here in Orlando where the water table is naturally high.

Increase the life of your septic system 

Regular maintenance on your septic system will extend its life and the easiest way to save money.

How often does the septic filter need to be cleaned?

Typically, the effluent filter needs to be once a year, depending on how much water you use on a daily basis and the size of the tank.

It is not recommended that a homeowner clean the septic filter themselves, it can be very dangerous and also very messy. The gasses in the septic system can be fatal. Contact the professionals at Orlando Septic Services for affordable septic maintenance.