It may be easy to forget about your septic system while you’re relaxing this summer by the pool, but if your”re a homeowner who enjoys entertaining and having friends and family over, then it’s vital to remember your septic tank.

With more people in your home and increased water usage, washing machine, dishwasher, toilets and showers can easily overload your septic system, leading to back-ups, saturated disposal area and septic tank overflow.

Here are a couple of helpful tips to keep your septic system happy and healthy

Have your septic tank pumped. If you’re planning on having a lot of people over ensure your septic tank pumped beforehand. Just imagine your toilet backing up or a foul odor coming from your backyard, not only would it be embarrassing it could also be very messy!

Educate your guests. Not everyone is familiar with what can be flushed down the toilet or washed down the drain when you have a septic system.

Know the location of your septic system. Don’t let anyone park over the septic system, the is can cause significant problems than can result in replacement or repair of the system.

Over use of the irrigation or sprinkler system near the septic system. Too much water from rain or irrigation can result in poor drainage and can lead to a host of problems.

Summer may not last very long, ensure your septic system has a long lasting healthy life with regular tank pumping and routine maintenance.  If you’re having a problem with your septic system, whether residential or commercial, don’t hesitate to contact Orlando Septic Services. We are here help you with all your waste managements needs!