Though your Orlando Septic Tank shouldn’t give you any trouble, it eventually will. That’s when you need a professional Septic Service to rescue you out of any messy situation.
Our goal at Orlando Septic Services is to save you time, money and give you peace of mind your septic system is operating the way it should for the health of your family. Your homes septic systems requires maintenance to function properly, when this is eluded by the home owner it can end up costing thousands of dollars and tons of frustration!
The main function of the septic system is for bacteria to break down solid materials and dispense effluent water into the drain field; it’s then either absorbed into the soil and filter or evaporated by the sunlight.
The Conventional System
Most of the waste water treatment occurs as it is discharged into the drain field and filtered through a layer of gravel and soil. Overtime the organisms and bacteria in the soil breakdown organic material from the septic tank. These organisms increase, forming a layer of bio-mat on top of the soil. When the drain field is working properly, parasites keep the bio-mat in check.
The drain field can also become overloaded with overuse of water, for example, when toilets and faucets are left running, a large amount of laundry is done in a little amount of time, or times of heavy rain. If the drain field is overwhelmed by too much water it will not function properly and become damaged and may even need to be replaced.
If you’re having any problems with your septic system or need of routine maintenance or pumping it’s important to contact a professional who understands how the system works. Check back with us next weed when we discuss alternative septic systems.
If you’re having a problem with your septic system, whether residential or commercial, don’t hesitate to contact Orlando Septic Services. We are here help you with all your waste managements needs!