Keeping your Orlando Area septic system operating properly requires a homeowner to be proactive. Not taking the necessary steps to maintain the tank and drain field can result in damages that are not only costly to your wallet, but also the environment.
Here are a few important factors to know about your septic system to save you money
What clogs your drain, also clogs your septic system
Before you put cooking grease or oil down the drain, think twice, can it clog your drain? Things like cooking oil, fats, and grease build up and harden in your pipes and disrupt the cycle of septic tank, cause expensive problems.
If you have a septic system, you should be mindful of what you put down the drain. Oils and green prevent the bacteria in the tank from doing its job of breaking up waste.
If it can’t be broken down by nature, your septic tank can’t either
Your septic system is designed to only break down human waste. Things like paper towels, wet wipes, cat litter, diapers and bandages, can easily cause a blockage.
Don’t dump medicine down the toilet or drain
While it may seem like an easy way of disposing unused medicine, flushing it down the toilet or drain can be detrimental to your septic tank. Medicine like antibiotics kill the microorganisms in the septic tank that break down waste. Always dispose medication properly or take it back to the pharmacy.
Space out the laundry
Washing machine use significant amount of water, typically over 20 gallons for just one load of laundry. This means your septic system is getting 20 gallons of water filled with dirt, lint, and chemicals. Overloading your septic system can do more damage than you think. Try spacing out the laundry throughout the week.
It is important to have your septic system inspected and tank pumped on a regular basis. In the long run, it will save you money in costly repairs. Check back with us next week for more information on taking care of your septic system, until then, contact Orlando Septic Service.