Sure, it’s easy to take the septic system for granted. For some, the only time they think about their tank or drain field is when there is a problem and raw sewage is filling up their bathtub or their toilets won’t flush.
Don’t Let This Happen To You!!!
The key to a healthy septic system is maintenance. Ensuring the sinks are draining like they should and you don’t have any unwanted foul odors.
Make routine septic maintenance a priority!
Similar to your car, you get the oil changed when you should and keeps everything in working order. If you don’t, you could get stranded on the side of the road somewhere.
Why septic maintenance?
Raw sewage backing up into the bathtub or shower is a homeowner’s worst nightmare. Many think if this happens, they can just have the tank pumped and it’s all better, but by the time this happens, things have been going wrong for some time. You probably just didn’t notice or blamed it on something else.
Improve soil absorption
The drain field plays a very important role. The grey water flows out of the septic tank and into the drain field through small irrigation type tubes. Where it filters out contaminates. If this is compromised the groundwater can be contaminated.
Maximize your system’s lifespan
The average septic system should last anywhere from 25 to 30 years. That is with regular maintenance, without it can significantly cut down on the lifespan.
When was the last time you had the septic tank pumped?
How often you should have the tank pumped is different for every home. Depending on how big the tank is, how many people live in the home, the condition and age of the tank, but generally it is every couple of years.
The bottom line, treat your septic system well, especially if you want it to last.
The Orlando Septic Services is here to help you with all your waste management needs! Don’t miss out on our free quotes and great money saving coupons.