
What could go wrong with my septic system? The technicians at Orlando Septic Service hear this all the time. The fact is, there are several things that can go wrong, from the tank itself to the drain field.

Here are three common septic issues and how to resolve them.

shutterstock_317198216Sewage backing up into my home. This is the time most homeowners think about when was the last time they had their septic tank pumped. Unfortunately, by this time it may be something blocking or a drain field issue. Contact Orlando Septic Service as soon as possible, our technicians are experts at evaluating emergency problems and repairing the problem, quickly and affordable!

Saturated drain field. If you notice a water puddle or saturation over the drain field, the grass is greener over the septic system, it is definitely time to contact a professional.  This can indicate a drain field failure, the longer you wait to have it fixed the more it may end up costing.

Location of the septic tank cover. Many people contact the Orlando Septic Service because they are not able to locate their septic tank cover. Though they may the general vicinity of their septic system itself, it may be covered with dirt, vegetation or grass. A septic tank riser may be the solution, it will raise the cover above the ground, making it easy to locate.

Foul odors. Ignoring septic odors will eventually lead to really big problems, such as percolating into the drinking water. The good news is it can be easily fixed by the professionals at Orlando Septic Services and for a limited time take advantage of our First Time Client Discount for 10% off our Septic Pumping Project.

Though you may not think about your septic system very often, it is a vital part of your home or business and having it regularly inspected and maintained by the professionals at Orlando Septic Services will ensure your septic system is healthy and working properly to avoid any costly messy problems. It’s an investment you won’t regret.

Contact Orlando Septic Service today and take advantage of our valuable coupons!